Born out of necessity

Jason McGuiganPresident & Founder

Jason McGuigan
President & Founder

As a Creative Director that interfaces with Fortune 500 organizations on a daily basis, Jason McGuigan recognized early on the value that Virtual Reality experiences could bring to businesses. Getting a key decision maker to come to a fixed location and put on a headset attached to a computer- that was in turn attached to a tangle of wires and peripherals, was highly improbable. This came with the realization that in order to share the medium properly- he would have to bring it to them.

This jump-started a journey to find the cleanest, smallest, most powerful configuration of available hardware- and combine it with decades of design, hardware, machining, and electronics experience.

Today, worldmoVR systems are high-quality, custom configured, hand built Virtual Reality showpieces that not just look great- but are also portable, efficient, and high-performance.